Mâwandônan Consulting
Gathering Your Workplace Together
(4 Module) On-Line workshop:
“Intentional Leadership”
($1050.00/Participant) Plus Cost of Working Genius Assessment ($25.00USD)
We have all heard people talk about someone being a born leader, but most of us wind up in leadership roles because of unexpected openings or promotions rather than hereditary positions or innate characteristics. This workshop helps participants gain skills and insights to become intentional leaders.
Are great leaders born, or are they made?
Is leadership based on position (and perceived power) or is it based on character?
What attributes do great leaders possess?
If you were an employee would you want to work for you?
How do your values inform your leadership style?
Do you want a clear and concise explanation of Intentional Leadership?
Does your organization desire to have meaningful conversations regarding intentional leadership?
Would your organization benefit from seeing leadership models from an Aboriginal perspective?
If your Organization/First Nation/Metis Community wants more clarity around intentional leadership then this (4 Module) workshop is for you.
Why is attending an intentional leadership workshop that emphasizes an Aboriginal perspective/philosophy a good idea if you are a leader within your organization?
Since 1996 Mâwandônan Consulting has helped many organizations deal with similar questions. Using a combination of information transference and interactive dialogue, participants will be taken through the many complicated aspects of Intentional Leadership.
This (4 Module) workshop is designed to provide practical and inspirational solutions to the questions raised above: 1) solutions that are based on the combined expertise of a Eurasian academic who grew up in an Aboriginal community in Southern Manitoba and has taught Indigenous Studies courses at various post- secondaries across Canada 2) a First Nation Consultant who has owned his own business and has spoken on leadership to organizations – both Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal.
Module One: The Working (Indi)Genius Model
Patrick Lencioni has written thirteen books (e.g., Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Advantage, Death by Meetings, etc.) and worked with numerous clients in the areas of organizational health and leadership. This knowledge will be complemented by concepts that come out of Indigenous leadership models and practices. Participants will complete the assessment prior to the module and then learn how their geniuses, competencies and frustrations frame their intentional leadership. The model is focused on how people discover what work activities they excel at, and which ones make work a grind rather than a joy.
Why do some work activities give you joy while others are so frustrating?
How come some teams seem to be able to finish every project on time?
When is your insight the most productive in a work assignment?
Module 2: Leadership
After years of working with a wide range of organizations and individuals, we believe that leaders are developed more often they are born – and even those with natural ability to lead need to fine-tune their skills. This module helps participants look at leadership from a wider perspective including insights from orchestras, sports, and Indigenous history.
What qualities does a leader possess?
Who is a leader in your organization?
Is leadership a position or a quality?
The goal of a leader is not just to complete tasks from a list but to get the best out of the individuals and teams that report to them. Key to creating this environment is understanding communication, conflict, and stress. Each of these topics is worthy of its own workshop so this module will cover concepts that will guide the participant to future development.
Why is communication often the greatest strength or biggest stumbling block in the workplace?
Where does conflict come from?
Is stress always negative?
Module 3: Communication, Conflict and Stress
Module 4: Teamwork and Managing Well
Intentional leadership is not just about concepts and theories. We also need to get tasks done and projects finished. This module is about the nuts-and-bolts activities of leading in the workplace. This session will explore teamwork, delegation, action planning and other topics that arise from the prior modules.
What are the benefits of teams?
Is there a difference between managing and leading?
Can I make meetings more meaningful?