Mâwandônan Consulting
Gathering Your Workplace Together
Mâwandônan Consulting presents our (4 Module) On-Line Workshop:
“Aboriginal Consultation/Negotiating a Consultation Agreement” ($1050.00/Participant)
Is your organization having challenges making inroads with Aboriginal people and Aboriginal Organizations?
Are you an Aboriginal group who wants to better engage with Industry?
Do you desire to better understand the policies and guidelines that govern Aboriginal Consultation?
Do you want to have dialogue with Industry in a safe environment?
Do you desire a better understanding about how to do business with Aboriginal Organizations?
Do you want a clear and concise explanation of the Duty to Consult?
Does your organization desire to have meaningful consultation and engagement with Aboriginal Groups but
are not sure where to start?
Would your organization see value in receiving feedback on these issues from an Aboriginal perspective?
If you want to better consult with Aboriginal People/Industry or you are in a position that requires that you engage Aboriginal People/Industry (I.E. Stakeholder Relations, Consultation Department, Community Relations, Chief and Council, Surface Land, Aboriginal Relations) and have asked these questions, then this (4 Module) workshop is for you.
Is your Organization/First Nation/Metis Community having challenges negotiating a Consultation Agreement?
Why is attending a Negotiating Preparation workshop concerning Aboriginal consultation a good idea if you are a Proponent or Company representative or an employee doing Aboriginal consultation?
Why is attending a Negotiating Preparation workshop concerning Aboriginal consultation a good idea if you work for or represent a First Nation or Metis community?
If you want to truly augment your chances for success, then this (4 Module) workshop is for you.
Since 1996 Mâwandônan Consulting has helped many organizations deal with similar questions. Using a combination of information transference and interactive dialogue, participants will be taken through the many complicated aspects of this process.
This (4 Module) workshop is designed to provide practical solutions to the questions raised above: 1) solutions that are based on the combined expertise of a First Nation law graduate who has worked for both Industry and Aboriginal groups for over 25 years and 2) a First Nation Consultant who has been in business since 1996 and has worked specifically in the area of Aboriginal Consultation since 2010.